The Secret Light Brigade is Here

halo effect in sky above bay and mountain valley

We always hear about the wealthy and powerful secret groups out there that do not have our best interests in mind. They have been around even before the U.S. founding fathers. They control corporations, governments, and even religious institutions to their own advantages. Have you ever wondered where the ‘good guys (and girls)’ are? Where is that secret group of light beings who are working on behalf of the greater good of the planet and its’ inhabitants? There is good news. They are here. If you haven’t seen my YouTube video on this subject, you can access it here.

Before we go into details, let us get clear on why they are ‘secret’ and why they have not saved us from the evil of the planet. Simply put, we haven’t earned it. When the general population is still in conflict with one another, fighting for ‘good’ through judgement and anger, we will not be able to handle any positive assistance or technology in a responsible way. Separation which equates to ‘fear’ is still dominant. It doesn’t matter if you are fighting for good or bad, if you are fighting, you aren’t ready. You see, light loves all unconditionally no matter what. Yes, even the ‘bad’ guys. We just haven’t achieved that level of compassion and Oneness to warrant any higher frequency group to step in and assist. If you read this article and are thinking they should save us, then you don’t understand that you (and I) hold that power. No one or group can do that for us. They can only assist in that which we choose. Only egos will try to control others and lower frequency thinking does not recognize that every human holds equal power, beginning with choice. When the ego is in charge, even ‘good’ resources will be used for self service.

Now let us address WHO these members are. Society has been conditioned to believe that anything unknown such as extra terrestrials are evil and to be feared. Where there is fear, there is conflict. We fear the unknown, other dimensions, the unseen. We are still behaving like fearful materialists. We don’t trust anything that does not look like us or that demonstrates powers that we don’t understand. Our fear based beliefs make it difficult to introduce anything new that could be the source of transformation. We are still functioning and thinking like infants in the universe. Fear is our biggest barrier and knowing our own power is our biggest fear. Women who used herbs to heal were once burned at the stake. Have we progressed from that way of thinking?

Placing powers in the hands of fearful humans has already been proven to backfire. Let us use the atomic bomb for example. It was a huge turning point in humanity. What could have been used for great positive change was used for death and power. Just ask Oppenheimer and Einstein who realized the destruction they had contributed to thanks to those in charge of its use. We have been in opposition and misuse of all that is good since the beginning of our existence here. Are we ready to transform this behavior by recognizing that every person, ‘thing’ and ‘no’ thing is simply the expression of One source? You can decide. There are no enemies. There are only choices of the expression of the One and the Source doesn’t make mistakes. When we move past separation, we will know how to use the powers of light.

I am not proposing that you hug a violent or evil person. I am suggesting that you become the Source of positive solutions that stops finger pointing at ‘problems’ that will create a new way. It is possible and I believe that a great deal of humans are transitioning into that higher way of thinking and actions. When we move into a space of compassion and total respect for all things, nature and people, our actions will earn the use of new ways, new technologies and beyond that can turn everything around. It will not be offered to humans who complain about pollution and then throw their plastic cup into the ocean. Yet this unconscious behavior still presides. We point at the ‘evil ones,’ judge them and argue. This is insanity. No Light Group would dare reveal itself until this changes.

Now let us get into the subject of this secret society of light beings. They do exist and they are here. They are humans in powerful positions, regular people in society, citizens of other star systems, and energies from dimensions that we do not understand. They have stepped in to avert disasters without our awareness, protected individuals and benevolent efforts, and facilitate great change that awaits us when we get our act together.

Our fear of that which we do not understand is, once again, our self imposed barriers to accessing amazing powers and change. This group of benevolent beings have been here for centuries and like any ‘secret’ society, have had to lay low not just because of the threat they pose to the power mongers, but those who battle for ‘good.’ Even those who want ‘good’ may look to them as a savior ‘against’ others. All separation is of a lower frequency. When we prove that we are ready for a new earth where every action is out of care and compassion, solutions for positive change over blame, we will experience the emergence of this powerful group who will affect amazing change. They cannot do it without our full support. Like the atomic bomb, humans have resorted to self serving use of that which could have profound positive change for all.

Who are these people and entities? This will not be revealed until fear subsides and positive change for all is welcome. Why should they expose their identities when even those who claim ‘awakening’ form groups that oppose and resort to violence? They are in governments, corporations, science, technology, education, every day society, from other planets and dimensions. Their identities are not important. Their presence, however, is.

One of these members has documented conversations and agreed to release a portion of it which I share in this blog. After reading this document, I did not personally feel that I learned much of anything new. Love is love and compassion for all is pretty easy to understand. Behaving in that manner is another subject altogether. It seems to be a difficult task for most. After all, opposition and wanting what is ‘right for me’ has always taken precedence. For me, no document reveals that which we all know already. However, having this backup group waiting for us to catch up with that new way of operating, ready to roll out amazing technology and solutions that could transform everything is pretty exciting.

So with that, I will share the source of The Light System, the label of this group I speak of. The document that is a bit tedious to read is available here and free for all to download. Whether you find the document of interest or agree with its contents is your opinion to form. For me it is the same message that we have heard for centuries. We are One. There are no enemies. Love one another. Judge no one. Come from compassion instead of ego. Service to others is service to self. Serve others well.

We are ready for this and there is no reason why all of us cannot experience a new earth. Our current planetary challenges have created an opportunity for this change but true to human behavior, we do not see them. The ego wants perfection for self and is always unhappy when it doesn’t get its way. Perfection from an ego based way of thinking is impossible. Perfection already exists in all of us and allows even the worst of behavior. Light never interferes with free will. Our mistakes are how we spiritually evolve. Or not. Now is our turning point.

Great change is here and waiting. Solutions to pollution, energy, food sources, water, health and heaven on earth is not something we need to find or develop. It exists. We are now transforming from finger pointing and blame, or looking to others to save us, into taking full responsibility for the direction of our planet. It is now completely up to society, communities, and individuals. No one else can save us from that which we are able to effect ourselves. If you want the answers to the human mystery, they are simply explained in “The Wizard of Oz.” We all hold the power. Friendship and working together is powerful. Evil implodes on itself and does not require opposition to dissolve. Forging ahead into new turf and pathways can be frightening, but there is a rainbow at the end of it all. And you can go home. In fact, you never really left it. Will you join me in a new earth and reality? It is yours alone to choose.

2 Responses

  1. Crimson Council Todays Guests

    At our Shoud today we have an esteemed list, group of guests. We have twelve – the energy of twelve – scientists who are still living on Earth right now. They are working on what you would call a type of quantum energy physics. They are working on some of the most interesting and perplexing and revolutionary ideas. They do not know each other, up until we brought them in as our guests. Even though they are humans, part of their energy, their expanded energy, can be present in this Shoud right now.

    And all of them are also accompanied here today by Nikola Tesla who comes back again. As told in a Shoud several months ago, Tesla’s energy is very, very present back here on Earth right now, helping to work with the scientists, the physicists, the doctors of medicine and even the doctors of psychology right now, to help some develop and bring to Earth some of the most important and revolutionary energies that Earth has seen in a long time. The Work of the Guest Scientists – the fuel energy that you use – is coming to an end. There has to be a new way. And it’s going to be something totally different – not wind, not solar – something totally different. So simple that humans will wonder how they overlooked it for thousands and thousands of years. But consciousness wasn’t right. It wasn’t ready. etc etc

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