December 21 2020 End of the World or Magical Event?

As a YouTube influencer, I have the privilege of knowing what the public is feeling and thinking about subjects in the spiritual realms. One big subject has been the upcoming December 21 2020 event. It has been used as a subject for prediction of doom and gloom known as the end of the world. When have we heard this before? Remember when we were ticking over to the year 2000? And of course there is the favorite end of the Mayan calendar. We are still here. We are always still here. So what is the hype over December 21 2020? Well, it IS a big deal but maybe not for the reasons you have heard.

On December 21st we will experience something that hasn’t happened in 800 years, the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn unlike we have seen since the year 1226. That alignment translates to what is being name the Christmas Star or “Star of Bethlehem” because of its brilliance. If you would like the details of what to expect, you can click here for an article I found on The Chicago Tribune which explains it all quite simply.

So why do so many stories appear that predict gloom and doom when such events happen? It reminds me of ancient times when anything unusual is interpreted as frightening and punishment from the Gods. It appears that we haven’t progressed all that much. Even the end of the Mayan calendar was misinterpreted. What was amazing was used to spread fear of the end of the planet. The truth is that it was a positive ending of density and an opening to awakening. One wouldn’t know that judging by the fear that humans continually spread.

I wonder when we will experience the next big event with joy and celebration and not false stories and fear. When that day comes, we will know that we have truly progressed and that there is no entity that punishes us or takes pleasure in destroying us.  Events are events. They are part of the constant change of the universe. We are a part of that and there is never anything to fear because we simply are eternal. If the worst case scenario is that I move on to another realm, I am fine with that. When fear ends, we will then shift to the new earth that awaits us. Are you ready for that?

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