Are You a Star Seed?

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We all like to be special and there is nothing more special than being told that you are one of the light beings who have come here to save planet earth. Who are these advanced humans? They are often called stars seeds, star children, indigo children or Dolores Cannon Waves of Volunteers. But what are these titles and what do they mean? Could you be one? Let us explore and find out.

First of all, I would like to state that I am not a big fan of ‘naming’ groups of humans or separating us as good, bad, special, or otherwise. We have enough separation which is at the root of our planetary conflicts. That being said, there are many humans who do not connect to this earth experience and have always felt ‘different.’ For them, I am supplying this fun article as reassurance that they (maybe it’s you) are not alone. I also wanted to share the message that there is much good on our planet and there are many here with the mission to facilitate that.

With that, let us get on with the explanation of the types of humans who are here with special missions to basically save humanity. If you are familiar with hypnotist and author Dolores Cannon, you probably heard about the Waves of Volunteers. These are various generations who came to earth to pave the way for a higher frequency and kinder way of life. They have basic characteristics such as working for themselves, never having children due to the karmic attachment it creates, and being spiritually advanced. Dolores gathered data from her hypnotized clients who channeled such information slated to be shared through her publications. Her clients would share details (while under hypnosis) from a group of spiritually advanced beings called ‘the collective’ about how our universe works and the thousands of people who chose to shift the spiritual advancement of humans. It is pretty ‘out there’ kind of stuff, but makes a lot of sense to thousands of people. Earth was in trouble and in order to boost planetary awakening, ‘Wavers” volunteered to come here to shift our chances of survival through spiritual teachings.

Right on the tail of the “Wavers” came Indigo children, star seeds, or star children. This was the next set of generations with advanced spiritual abilities also planted here to save humanity. They are even more spiritually evolved with noticeable physical differences. They have psychic abilities, cannot connect to the cruel behavior of humans, have physical differences such as unusual eyes, and psychokinetic talents. These humans turn off watches, astral project, and have an understanding of a world ‘out there’ that is far beyond human comprehension. Perhaps you can relate to this class of humans as I do. You are not alone. There is an entire group of people here whose mission is to wake up humans to their powers and their choices.

Dr. Richard Boylan Ph.D is one of many experts out there who study the star seed generations. He made a list of traits in a questionnaire that I have to admit I was curious to take. You can learn about his background and studies online. I learned about him on a Coast to Coast AM interview with host George Noory. It’s a radio talk show with some intriguing guests covering just about every subject of the unusual and paranormal than you can imagine. Dr. Boylan offered his questionnaire to listeners and I have to say that it gave me a bit of an ‘ah ha’ moment. Out of 54 questions, the subject gathers points for their answers.

Rating Schedule:
Score of 12= probably a Star Kid
Score of 16 = most likely a Star Kid
Score of 20+ = absolutely a Star Kid

I scored 30. What does that mean? For me it just reinforces that I have always been different but with a reason why. My Mom used to say that she didn’t know where I came from, but that I definitely wasn’t her child. She joked that someone dropped me off on the porch in a basket. I had wonderful parents and an amazing childhood, but we all knew I wasn’t like any of them. I happen to know that I am her kid, but there are many parents out there that know that their son or daughter was ‘different’ and many kids who know it too. However, these spiritual volunteers come here just like any other human. Their memory of what they came from was wiped out making it an even playing field. There are no real advantages in that area. Being human is a major challenge for all of us.

Just for kicks you may want to take the questionnaire especially if you have always felt like an odd ball on a planet that makes no sense. If you are appalled at the thought of eating an animal, human greed and cruelty, living lives without passion and total freedom to pursue and live out our personal choices, you may connect to being a volunteer of some sort.

Our planet is at a major turning point. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that, but the interesting part is that despite our major challenges, humanity still struggles with shedding its destructive behaviors. Studies have shown that it does not take a majority of humans to awaken in order to tip the scales toward peace and harmony. In fact, only one percent can put us on track toward positive evolution. I am confident that we can accomplish this goal but we can’t do it alone.

So, are you a star seed? You decide. If the answer is ‘yes’ then let’s get on with the task of making a big difference on our planet. Let us focus on positive change, solutions, community and peace. There is a reality out there that we can choose which includes ‘heaven on earth.’ It isn’t something that ‘happens’ to us. It is a choice. Whether you are part of the task force here to set things right or simply a participant in this matrix, you are special. It takes big kahunas to come here and play out these roles. Let’s make it amazing. It isn’t too late.

9 Responses

  1. I didn’t score high, only a 6. However, I have always had a very poor memory. I’m 72 and my parents are no longer with me to question what people thought of me as a child. I always felt different and I was shy and a loner to be sure. I spent a great deal of time sitting in my parent’s car staring at my reflection in the side-door mirror. It was as if I were trying to figure myself out. I definitely have the lower body temperature and big head. Most noticeable for me is the ability to effect street lamps. I can walk by and consistently turn them on and off. When I lived in a condominium project where there were lights on each garage door, they would go on and off without fail as I walked by and I knew that they would. Interesting stuff!!!

    1. Well Susan, not everyone is here as a guide. Everyone here is on a mission to raise our frequency and THAT is important. We all have abilities which are intensifying so DO explore that!!! You are perfect.

  2. Hi Landria, I scored 18. I have read in other places that blood group can be an indicator too – I am rhesus negative.
    I’ve always felt different and unmotivated by worldly things but strongly drawn to nature and animals. My place of bliss is walking my dog in open countryside.

    1. Caroline as I stated earlier, ‘what’ we are is pretty much all light beings looking to evolve. Labels are unimportant and it is only a fun exercise. You are here. That makes you brave and important!!!

  3. Hi Landria, I scored 19, which could be higher with things I don’t know the answer to, such as my body temperature and a few others J can’t answer.

    I do have mild Aspergers and always felt different somehow. I have a natural affinity with animals. They are always drawn to me. I’ve also often had little children stare at me wide eyed, though not in a scared way, as if I’m somehow different.

    I have physically seen time speed up on a clock and have also crossed over to other parallels for a split second.

    I live in England and on a couple of occasions I have been sitting on my sofa at home and then found myself feeling pretty chilled walking along a road lined with palm trees, which I believe may have been LA. Another time I did it and was driving a car in the same area. It only lasts a split second each time, but it’s like another me is existing in a parallel in LA, whether living there or visiting.

    Many strange experiences have happened like that, that can’t be explained logically. The weirdest was some sort of strange, non Earth language that came through to me one morning while lying in bed, which sounded almost metallic and like no language I’ve ever heard but I knew what they were saying. It was a very weird feeling. I have many such experiences.

  4. I scored a 10 and had 9 maybes and #17 is my sister who can remote view to the point where she has helped on a murder case, etc, my late mother was “visited” twice (mass flock of white doves and a bright light on back porch in broad daylight and by who she said spoke to her while she was taking a bath and told her she was going to be okay) and my father experienced leaving his body and watching himself on the bed from the ceiling when he was in his late 30’s (close to the bathtub my mom had her experience in). I have seen two full body ghosts, one see through, bald and naked blue man who walked right through me when my husband and daughter were at school/work, and I have seen a grim reaper, a strange 3 to 4 foot mummy type egg shaped “thing” that was glowing white and my daughter and I saw 5 (or 6?) ufo’s above a distant mountain horizon at the outside edge of Lake Havasu City, AZ, from my late parents retirement home. The ships were doing all sorts of movements. Quite a show. I’ve also had many other paranormal experiences and regularly see things moving in my house, lately it’s been on a daily basis and my 2 cats see them too so that’s evidence it’s real. I also have extremely lucid dreams And have been communicated with by my late husband in lucid dreams about 4 times (once with the words, “You are honery,” because I was watching him without him knowing and when he finally saw me, he turned and walked up to me and said that to my face up close!) and by my late mother and father but more telepathically and visually with them.
    I was an extremely shy child up to the age of 10, but only with those outside my immediate family. I had a childhood “friend” my older sister and mother told me I said was “Whisper.” I would talk to him a lot even in the car on family road trips. I did not speak at a young age, but when I finally did my father said it was in long sentences with big words right off the bat. I started Kindergarden too young, 4 yrs old, and was a daydreamer and so on. The school wanted to make me repeat kindergarten, my father who was a teacher said no as kindergarten is not required. They let me go to First grade and then wanted to hold me back but they worked with my dad and came to a compromise and I was luckily not kept back and by the time I got to Second grade I completely caught up thanks to sweet Mr. Sours, with red hair like mine, who noticed my struggle with math and interacted with me for a minute, cleared up my issue and I got it. I didn’t need a lot of help after that.
    My daughter and I have had telepathic experiences with each other where I thought something in my head and she answered me. And it was not a situation thatbwas predictable. She actually heard me audibly.

    My main issue now is I am getting really tired of the veil being so thin. I have stuff coming to me at 3:00 in the morning, 3:30 in the morning, now it’s starting to even happen right after midnight.
    I need to have someone clear my home.

    1. Diane thanks for sharing. My suggestion is that you embrace the magic and keep your frequency high. Fear or struggle with it invites the lower energies to visit. Simply set boundaries. If you have an open gateway, no ‘clearing’ will rid of anything. Ask for guidance and answers. Also ask that you be allowed to get a good night sleep! It’s all good as long as you stay in light and love. Try it and see. You can invite amazing insights if you do!

  5. I scored 21. I have always had a lower body temperature and slow pulse. I have to wear men’s hats for a proper fit I am an empath and find it difficult to be around angry and loud people. I connect easily with animals and love being around nature. I have a sense of knowing about people from when I first meet them. Interesting stuff xx

  6. Hello Beautiful Soul, I scored 27 on the test. I may be interested in helping you, Landria. I had reoccurring dreams as a child when I saw a rocket spaceship land on the front yard. It fell over and made 2 rockets shorter than the first. They fell over making 4, etc., etc., etc until there were thousands surrounding us. I have spiritually flown on an eagle’s back when a real eagle flew above my head so I hopped on. The ride made my knees weak after getting off because of the flapping wings made me feel like I might slide off at first. Then she dipped and it was a glorious ride. Before this in 2019 at Panama city Beach, Florida, I was walking along the surf with a friend when the waves nearly knocked us over. I quickly turned, saying out loud, “No, no Down, Down!” while I waved my hand above the water. Before we knew what happened–it DID! The water dropped softly brushing our ankles. It happened during the entire walk down the beach! What a extraordinary experience! I have experienced my Emotions superposition out of my body into 7 ghost-like energies standing in front of me in 2006. I write books about the Subconscious mind under penname CHRISTINE L BRINKLEY, on Amazon. The books document my journey. Now I plan to write one for Humanity who I love. I have never felt like I belonged on Earth. I am an Andromedan Starseed. I help people on Facebook connect to their hearts. I am a 2015 stroke miracle patient who has stabilized in the Subconscious mind just this year…..Humbly with Peace, Joy, Truth and Love, little chrissy, 66yo

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