“Break Through Fear” Could Change Your Life

“Break Through Fear” may be the last spiritual book you will ever need. Landria Onkka may shock you, expand your mind and take you into a quantum space that will transform you forever. Did you ever wonder what the matrix really is? How about manifestation - what is it and how does it work? What about fear, the ego, and struggle. There are no subjects that are not covered in this ground breaking spiritual book.
It's HERE and It Could Change Your Life

Break Through Fear” may be the last spiritual book you will ever need. Landria Onkka may shock you, expand your mind and take you into a quantum space that will transform you forever. Did you ever wonder what the matrix really is? How about manifestation – what is it and how does it work? What about fear, the ego, and struggle. There are no subjects that are not covered in this ground breaking spiritual book.

What about our current state of affairs on the planet? Readers learn about ‘the tipping point‘ that is taking our species into a new era never experienced in our short history here. It is a glorious transformation. But, the tipping point is a choice. Our future is not static. It is ever changing and can shift in a moment. Each of us contributes to that future which is always the ‘now’ beliefs, thoughts and actions that you choose. We are powerful beings beyond human comprehension and it is time to embrace our powers. Landria opens the doors to a world you may not have imagined existed.

Learn how to end struggle and break through the fear that is keeping you from creating anything in your life. Your ‘Spiritual Butt Kick’ empowers you, opens a portal to joy, peace, abundance and “the knowing.” Landria Onkka takes you on a mind-blowing discovery of the multiverse and celebration of your purpose and amazing human journey. You can step through the portal of all possibilities by visiting this link https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFCYQSDX

Author Landria Onkka is an internet influencer, award-winning best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and internet business expert. She has a Hallmark movie and has dedicated her life to showing others that all things are possible. Learn about her groundbreaking 5-star teachings at https://Landriaonkka.com and https:// Landriaonkka.net

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