How to be the One Percent that Ascends


You may have heard about the meditation projects that have had a significant effect (as high as 76% reduction in war deaths) on lowering crime, death, violence and health issues. I am not talking about a large group, but only 1% of the population in any geographical area. When these meditations stopped, all stats went back to normal and ‘normal’ is not the optimal state for our planet. Below is some information on one of many studies that had the same profound effect.

Lebanon peace project reduces war deaths by 76%

Lebanon peace project research findings:

The Lebanon peace project involved a group of TM-Sidhas meditating together in Jerusalem. Although the numbers in the group fluctuated, it was often large enough to achieve the Super Radiance effect (What is the super radiance effect?) for both Israel and nearby Lebanon.

During the peace project the statistics showed an improved quality of national life as measured by composite indices comprising data on:

  • War intensity in Lebanon – There were reduced war deaths of 76% on days when there was a high participation in the meditating group.
  • Newspaper content analysis of Israeli national mood
  • Tel Aviv stock market index
  • Automobile accident rate in Jerusalem
  • Number of fires in Jerusalem
  • Maximum temperature in Jerusalem. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL ARTICLE

So the big question is ‘Why don’t most people know about this simple practice and its power?” Most important “Why aren’t we using it NOW?” Think about it. We are in a global pandemic and we are fully aware that our focus manifests and that we can change our circumstances at any time. Yet, humans continue to cling to fear and opposition. It is an addiction.

What if you meditated every morning and envisioned a healed planet, peace and abundance for all. You probably don’t think that you are making a difference but that is not true. Our biggest challenge is not what we focus on but believing that we actually have the power to manifest our reality. No matter how many examples I show students that prove that focus does, indeed affect the results of experiments, they rarely apply it to themselves. It is something ‘out there’ that does it. That power ‘out there’ decides if we are worthy to be granted our wishes. I wonder when we will evolve past these limitations.

If you have ever manifested anything amazing, you know that it wasn’t a coincidence. Yes, you had a direct effect on that outcome. There is no getting around it and best of all, that power is always in operation. It doesn’t show up when you are behaving well or saying a certain mantra. It shows up when you believe in that probability without judgement. These are facts. Do you still question that?

I propose a task for you, whether you believe in the power of focus and belief or not. When you wake up tomorrow and every day after that, send light and love to the planet. Throw in some gratitude for good luck. If only one percent of us do this, we might just receive some miracles. If you don’t believe, come on over to my Miracle Circle teachings where my students are reporting amazing manifestations. It is a new day and a new earth, a kinder, healthier one, but only if you believe. Won’t you join it?

Landria Onkka offers online training and tools to manifest anything. Join her Miracle Circle training each month at or her free video series at

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